
The Baby Diaries: Cribs

After shopping the internet at Big Box stores (all to be a little disappointed not able to see or touch any cribs in person), I've decided on these 2 styles that I found at my new favorite baby store deep in the valley of Reseda, CA called Baby Town. Both are the same price and of the same quality, my problem is, I can't decide between the 2 styles. So, I need your opinions dear bloggers!!!

Which one would you choose???

The Munire Bristol Collection, which definitely makes a grand statement. At first, I wanted nothing to do with a 3 sided crib, but when I saw this I was in love. It's definitely large in scale, but the detailing of the spiraling legs had me swooning and I love the curved detailing that will be pushed up against the wall. Minus the pink bedding in this picture, I have received a few opinions that keep saying it looks girly, but I think this can definitely be baby boy with my aquamarine palette.

Or The Young America, which is just that, made in America and owned by the Stanley Furniture Company. I am especially fond that it's Greenguard certified (meaning no stinky strange smell will be emitted into the air once we take it out of the box and assemble it). My original plan was to use a more modern crib and I think this one is a nice compromise. I love the balance of this crib with 2 higher ends that are flat and the open slats on each side. This one definitely seems more practical and can go boy or girl.


Sarah said...

They are both lovely but I think my pick would be the second one. It has lovely lines to it and would look great with your aquamarine colour palette.
The greenguard and made is US is a plus!
Goodluck making a decision, you can't go wrong either way x

a lovely being said...

My pick would be the second one, too. I just really like it's clean lines! Good luck-- I want to know what you end up with!

Sandy said...

I love them both. It's a tough decision. The "baby boy" will look cute in either one.

carol said...

I think that either one will accommodate Master Stern very nicely, depending on whether you want a more traditional look or a more modern one! He should only sleep through the night in both....and whatever decision you make will be the right one!

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