
The Baby Diaries: No Regrets

After searching and shopping for the perfect baby bag, I ultimately purchased my first choice, the Kate Spade Nylon Maryanne. I was super excited and a little nervous at its arrival yesterday, since it's only available online, I wasn't able to see or try it on in person. Much to my surprise, it's utterly perfect and I have no regrets purchasing it! Not only is it the perfect size, color, and style, it's super functional for toting bottles, pacifiers, diapers, and comes complete with a diaper changing pad (a quite large one), tons of pockets, zipper compartments, and straps for hanging on the stroller (which made me fall in love with it). My favorite part about it, are the gleaming gold chain straps, patent leather trim, and everything is waterproof. I'm not really a shoe person, but I absolutely have a love for purses, so this one will add nicely to my collection, even if it is a baby bag.


Chelsea Valentine said...

That is one hot baby bag. Diapers and pacifiers oh my!

Ms. Pink said...

everything Kate Spade is GOLD :) just found your blog <3


The Glam Lamb said...

Vanessa.... so excited you stopped over at my blog today! I've been such a fan of your for quite some time!! Congrats on the baby! Yo are an LA girl like me! :)

Arianna Belle said...

Just by looking at its exterior I don't think anyone would guess it's a baby bag. It just looks like a fabulous handbag! Love it!

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