
The Baby Diaries: He Arrived!!!

Barron Edmund Stern came charging into the world on December 5th, 2010! It's been a whirlwind since his arrival, we made it through the holidays, and I am managing to operate on very little sleep...and now after a month our little family has adjusted very well! Barron is a great little traveller going on little "field trips" with his mommy to the mall, fabric and furniture stores, and of course Starbucks, to keep on going. I'm not big on New Year's Resolutions, but at the top of my list is to de-clutter, clean out, and get organized. I also am going to try to get a blog post or two in between feedings, naps, and diaper changes. Motherhood is a lot of work, but good work and it feels great to be back in the blogosphere!
"Hi I'm Barron!"
2 weeks old


Sarah said...

Congratulations, such exciting news. He is absolutely gorgeous. Look forward to seeing more of your journeys with baby Barron.

Tied with a Bouw said...

I just had to pop across and meet your little one after reading he is 8 weeks old like my little Allegra :) What a cutie he is also with a head of hair! I look forward to seeing more pics! Son x

Moni said...

Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! My son Bryce was born Dec 6th. Hope you are enjoying motherhood :)

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