
Wedding Wednesdays: engagement rings

I've had diamonds on my brain lately. I'm a happy newly wed, and my husband did a wonderful job at surprising me with a beautiful ring that he designed himself (a little helpful hints on my part did just the trick). Jewelry to me is a very personal thing. It takes a special someone to really know what jewelry will speak to their loved one. I just adore a man who knows how to pick jewelry, and do it well! Here are my all time favorite diamond rings and settings.

Harry Winston's micro-pave cushion cut diamond - my favorite setting, hands down!
This emerald cut looks stunning all by itself set on a diamond band. Not a lot of fuss going on here, and the diamond speaks for itself.
Again, Harry Winston's micro-pave cushion cut...because I can't stop looking at it!
I noticed Gwyneth's jaw dropping gorgeous diamond ring while watching episodes of "Spain...On The Road Again." Not only is it huge (bigger isn't always better, but in this case it literally rocks!), but it's set so beautifully on a simple thin micro-pave band so the diamond takes center stage. If you're gonna roll a big rock, this is the tasteful way to do it!

I love thin, sparkling diamond wedding bands paired with an engagement ring like this one! Wear this band alone everyday for understated glamour - perfect for the office, the gym, or doing work around the house.

Makes me wanna say "I do" all over again!


Janell @ House of Fifty said...

An ascher cut diamond must be somewhere in my future...a reason to renew vows I'd say!!

Anonymous said...

where is the second to last picture of the engagement ring and wedding ring from!? It is perfectly gorgeous!

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